Isn’t it funny how some do things to project an image of dominance and moral superiority, while for others, it’s a matter of survival?

Arabella Jo
1 min read4 days ago


The contrast is striking.

Out of 8 billion people, for some, every action is a calculated move to assert superiority and maintain control. They thrive on appearances, their lives a perpetual performance aimed at impressing others and cementing their place in a social hierarchy.

Meanwhile, others are driven by necessity, their actions a matter of sheer survival. There is no luxury of image or dominance, just a relentless drive to make it through another day. Their focus is on the essentials, driven by the raw need to continue, protect, and endure.

This stark difference in motivations highlights a fundamental truth about human behavior. While some chase the illusion of power and dominance, others are simply trying to survive. Recognizing this disparity is crucial. It helps us see beyond the surface and understand the true drivers behind people’s actions. Survival isn’t about portrayal; it’s about enduring the unfiltered reality of life. The distinction clearly exists; perhaps that is why the wise recognize individuals for what one does despite the premise, not the premise itself nor the portrayal.

