Reject what does not make sense.

Not calling out the oddities constantly presented by the media and individuals felt like compromising the trust ingrained in society. Ultimately, it came down to a choice between conformity and sanity. I chose sanity.

Arabella Jo
4 min readJun 14, 2024

According to whom? What source? Please don’t tell me it is “trust me, bro.” Sooner or later, you learn that there are intentions to what is being shoved down your throat, other than laws that govern equality in a society. What determines the essence of something is the angle of the intention, not the portrayal; portrayal, as well as perception, is a fleeting, fragile, and oscillating thing. Unstable portrayal turns into hypotheticals, and a sick cycle begins; it is never-ending when one adapts this perception. Therefore, it is usually a distraction from the true essence.

Apart from this, I soon came to realize the irrelevance of everything else. After all, what does Taylor Swift’s boyfriend singing to her songs in front of other people, who the “next sexiest man on earth” is, what TikTokers deem to be the next trend, who or what people yap about regarding who or what they don’t even know well personally, or who Kim Kardashian is targeting next got to do with me? Are they the ones buying me lunch or doing my laundry? I might reconsider if they are the ones doing them, but they aren’t.

I joke about this often. Normal is hard to find nowadays because normalcy is defined by trends and clout. In reality, normal is one with a discerning, fair mind. Part of that would be to register the limitation of the human mind, human capacity of narcissism, and the impracticality of constant chase for an abstract thing. To question this chase is to think independently; to lack respect for independent thinkers is a sign of an agenda-driven individual fearing that their disseminated information or what they deemed to be the truth subjectively will be invalidated. Because deep inside, they know they had to compromise individuality to play conformity largely due to insecurity; there is a definite social shield that comes with this choice for sure. However, they have not shielded themselves from the possibility of being the target of attack when disadvantaged by the trend. It is all fun and games until shit hits the fan. As human beings, this triggers biological reactions of fear.

And fear is a powerful and dirty thing. It will lead people to disturbing thoughts and actions beyond imagination; it also changes its shape to envy. What is scary about this is that the disturbing thoughts and actions go unnoticed because they are justified by fear and control, driven by our biological instinct for survival.

The media today is a complex web of competing interests and agendas. As consumers, we are expected to navigate this intricate terrain, discerning fact from fiction, truth from propaganda. Yet, this task becomes increasingly challenging when the media itself seems to prioritize sensationalism over substance, narratives over news.

Rejecting what doesn’t make sense is not merely an act of defiance; it’s a necessary step toward preserving one’s mental health and intellectual integrity. By calling out the oddities and questioning the narratives, we uphold the principles of critical thinking and rational discourse. This process is vital, especially in a time when misinformation and disinformation are rampant.

As I delved deeper into the content pushed by various media outlets, I realized that much of it was irrelevant to the core values and principles that truly matter. Beyond the essential laws and policies that promote equality and justice, much of what is presented as news or information is, in reality, a distraction. It is designed to provoke, to incite, and often to mislead.

This understanding brought me to a point of clarity. I recognized the importance of focusing on what is truly relevant and disregarding the rest. The decision to prioritize sanity over conformity was not just about rejecting falsehoods but about embracing a more meaningful and purpose-driven approach to consuming information.

The challenge lies in maintaining this stance amidst constant pressure to conform. The media thrives on attention, and by refusing to engage with the nonsensical, we take a stand against its influence. This does not mean ignoring the news altogether but rather approaching it with a critical eye and a discerning mind.

Ultimately, it’s an individual’s choice; I won’t forcefully pontificate about it, but it is important to me personally that I surround myself with those with similar values and immediately eliminate ties with those with different values to avoid wasting time. After all, I am merely one person in a world with roughly about 8 billion people, but at least I should protect my sanity so as not to become burden to myself.

